Folder : tis-anydesk/mac
Build Date : 2023-06-02 12:38:21
Started by :     jpele
Builded Version : MISSING
TaskID : 0eae1d29-3320-4136-8b9e-c55ca1061c48
Git Commit Hash : 225ff7acf5ab11f29ada9cde53b473a5714da96f
Status : ERROR

VM List
Vm Name Result
LUTI update-package tis-anydesk/mac monterey ERROR
LUTI install tis-anydesk/mac monterey ERROR
LUTI install tis-anydesk/mac ventura_arm ERROR
LUTI upgrade tis-anydesk/mac monterey ERROR
LUTI install tis-anydesk/mac ventura ERROR
LUTI upgrade tis-anydesk/mac ventura_arm ERROR
LUTI upgrade tis-anydesk/mac ventura ERROR
LUTI install tis-anydesk/mac bigsur ERROR
LUTI install tis-anydesk/mac mojave ERROR
LUTI upgrade tis-anydesk/mac bigsur ERROR
LUTI upgrade tis-anydesk/mac mojave ERROR

Conf Luti
Conf Value
do_update_package True
do_install True
do_remove True
do_session_setup True
do_audit True
do_upgrade True
upgrade_with_custom_operand_version None
build_package True
upload_to_store True
retention_time 5
upload_files_to_virustotal True
virustotal_exclusion_regex None
virustotal_hash_allowlist ['bee83e4bc772c0a8bcd8e981c1958d7ae5e247abfbe1c14e0abc2c31a6369921', 'fa0f2e683c50d4908381e6ef16edcec29cc3f1d225b63de58f83d1c9bd854ff9']
virustotal_bypass_antivirus_list []
wait_update_package_before_generating_vm True
update_package_dependencies []
force_template_update_package None
keywords_checklist ['anydesk']
run_with_psexec False
check_higher_version True
uninstallkey_timeout 120
preinstalled_package_list []
acceptable_audit_output -> OK
taskid_luti 0eae1d29-3320-4136-8b9e-c55ca1061c48
commit 225ff7acf5ab11f29ada9cde53b473a5714da96f
folder_in_git_repo tis-anydesk/mac

Control File
Conf Value
package tis-anydesk
architecture all
section base
priority optional
name AnyDesk
categories Utilities
maintainer WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Bertrand Lemoigne,Gaëtan Segat,Jimmy PELÉ
description AnyDesk is a remote desktop application distributed by AnyDesk Software GmbH. The proprietary software program provides platform independent remote access to personal computers and other devices running the host application
maturity PROD
locale all
target_os darwin
min_wapt_version 2.1
installed_size 4038720
impacted_process AnyDesk
description_fr AnyDesk est une application de bureau à distance distribuée par AnyDesk Software GmbH. Le logiciel propriétaire fournit un accès à distance indépendant de la plate-forme aux ordinateurs personnels et autres appareils exécutant l'application hôte
description_pl AnyDesk to aplikacja zdalnego pulpitu dystrybuowana przez AnyDesk Software GmbH. To zastrzeżone oprogramowanie zapewnia niezależny od platformy zdalny dostęp do komputerów osobistych i innych urządzeń z uruchomioną aplikacją hosta
description_de AnyDesk ist eine von der AnyDesk Software GmbH vertriebene Remote-Desktop-Anwendung. Das proprietäre Softwareprogramm ermöglicht einen plattformunabhängigen Fernzugriff auf Personal Computer und andere Geräte, auf denen die Host-Anwendung
description_es AnyDesk es una aplicación de escritorio remoto distribuida por AnyDesk Software GmbH. El programa de software propietario proporciona acceso remoto independiente de la plataforma a ordenadores personales y otros dispositivos que ejecutan la aplicación host
description_pt AnyDesk é uma aplicação de ambiente de trabalho remoto distribuída pela AnyDesk Software GmbH. O programa de software proprietário fornece acesso remoto independente da plataforma a computadores pessoais e outros dispositivos que executam a aplicação anfitriã
description_it AnyDesk è un'applicazione di desktop remoto distribuita da AnyDesk Software GmbH. Il programma software proprietario fornisce un accesso remoto indipendente dalla piattaforma ai personal computer e ad altri dispositivi che eseguono l'applicazione host
description_nl AnyDesk is een toepassing voor bureaublad op afstand, gedistribueerd door AnyDesk Software GmbH. Het eigen softwareprogramma biedt platformonafhankelijke toegang op afstand tot personal computers en andere apparaten waarop de hosttoepassing
description_ru AnyDesk - это приложение для удаленного рабочего стола, распространяемое компанией AnyDesk Software GmbH. Проприетарное программное обеспечение обеспечивает независимый от платформы удаленный доступ к персональным компьютерам и другим устройствам, на которых запущено хост-приложение
editor AnyDesk Software GmbH
keywords anydesk,remote,desktop,application,remote,access,personal,computers,computer
licence proprietary_restricted,wapt_public
signature None
filename None
size None
sourcespath /opt/luti/integrationpackagetest/tis-anydesk/mac
localpath None
persistent_dir None